
The 2019 edition is held in collaboration with the ALICE Project co-funded by the EC INTERREG Atlantic Area Programme

ALICE Project

ALICE is a project funded in 75% by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the umbrella of INTERREG Atlantic Area with the application code: EAPA_261/2016. The 11 partners involved in the project are from Portugal, Spain, Northern Ireland, France and the United Kingdom. The three-year project started in November 2017 will cost 3 million euros with 25% covered by the beneficiary partners.

The main goal is to promote sustainable investments in Blue-Green Infrastructure Networks (BGINs) through identification of the benefits of Ecosystem Services delivered at the terrestrial-aquatic and land-sea interface in the Atlantic Region.

The activities will be developed by:

  1. combining a range of satellite images, GIS data and modelling frameworks to map aquatic and terrestrial vegetation formations and ecological processes;
  2. enhancing the predictive capacity by using a multi-model platform;
  3. participatory learning approaches to engage local stakeholders.

ALICE will also identify economic and social barriers to the implementation of Blue-Green Infrastructure Networks in each of the four case studies of the project and it will provide robust scientific, socioeconomic and environmental policy support for the effective implementation of future BGINs.

The team includes scientists, universities, research institutes, local and national governments, NGOs and SMEs.

ISU Venue Sponsors

 Project Sponsors

BC3 is a Basque Excellence Research Centre (BERC) established in 2008 under the direction of the Basque Government and the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea to contribute to knowledge about the causes and impacts of climate change and encourage progress in high-level research on the subject.

This center was created as a result of the Basque government’s strong commitment to promoting research and science as well as their desire to attract prestigious international researchers.

BC3 are a research centre on the causes and consequences of climate change. Led by one of the most recognized scientists in the Climate Change field -Prof. Maria José Sanz, we produce multidisciplinary knowledge to support decision making towards sustainable development at the international level.

With a multidisciplinary team, connected to the main scientific institutions, networks and socio-economic agents, for a decade, our contribution to research of climate change and to the science-policy interface puts us in a unique position to offer knowledge, tools, new methodologies and cross-cutting proposals, that we lead towards action in a collaborative framework with stakeholders, to design and help implement policies aimed at sustainable development.


The school will be directed by
Ferdinando Villa
(Ikerbasque Professor at BC3)

Project leader of ARIES and a world-recognized authority in ecoinformatics and ecosystem services modeling. The team of teachers will include academicians and practitioners in ES modeling from leading universities and governmental institutions worldwide

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